Dave's Pet Food

There’s one thing about pet food that every independent pet retailer knows. There’s a lot of great pet food on the market, and there’s a lot of affordable pet food on the market, but there’s not a lot of great, affordable food.
Around 20 years ago, it struck me that this was a problem. I love my customers, and I want them to be happy. It turns out that while they’re really into feeding their dogs’ nutritious food, they also like to be able to feed their children occasionally – and even themselves once in a while!
That’s why I made the decision to start a private label pet food for my customers. The goal was simple: a really great food – nutritious and delicious! – at a reasonable price. Now, I’m a sales guy, not a scientist. So I brought in some help. A world famous nutritionist created my first formula and was even kind enough to hook me up with a great manufacturer.