
Zoo-Max® is a Canadian venture establish in 1989, at that time we imported bird food. With time we have developed are own manufacturing plant. For the past 25 years we are now manufacturing our own bird food well know in Canada under the trade name Fruitomax® , Vitomax® , Econo-Max®  and extruded food call Zoo-Max® .   

 In 1994, bird toys manufacturing became our new challenge. The toy line called Fun-Max®  takes no time to fly. In a short period Zoo-Max®  toys are available in many countries like Canada, USA, Europe, Netherlands, Israel, Asia, Australia and more. The achievement of this line is well illustrated by the quantities of Zoo-Max®  knock-off available in the market place. Apparently this is the price to pay for success. For more details on Zoo-Max®  bird toy replicas please visit our (knock-off) section.

 Many consumers believe our toys are made in China. All Zoo-Max® products are manufacturer in Canada. We cut the wood shapes, split the leather skins, cut the rope, dye the wood pieces; laser cut our own acrylic and subsequently assemble the toys.

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